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Great to meet you at SuccessConnect!

Give us your hardest role and we will send you 15 quality candidates.

Using the latest AI technology, Rolebot fills the talent pipeline with diverse, passive candidates who have exhibited similar online behaviors to your ideal or best employees.

Special offer for SAP clients only:

Our AI will find you 15 candidates for your hardest role to fill!

Rolebot Demo Request

How Rolebot Works:

Point Rolebot to your ideal candidate.

Use Rolebot's intuitive web interface and provide two links to employees in your company, or in another, that would make the perfect blueprint for the job.

women smiling
man in conversation

Rolebot generates a look-alike talent pool.

Using sophisticated AI, our algorithms source a wide pool of diverse and qualified professionals.

You evaluate the candidates presented.

In the web interface, review candidates, and simply like the ones you’re interested in.

women smiling and looking interested
female job seeker looking at computer screen

Rolebot’s AI adjusts based on your feedback.

Proprietary algorithms will use your feedback to better match your preferences.

Meet the candidates who want to meet you.

Rolebot's gentle electronic taps and customer success team (yes, we’re human!) will ensure the interview is scheduled with your preferred candidates.

women smiling

By the time you read all this, Rolebot could have found you a candidate.

male job seeker sitting at a conference
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